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3. Club Code of Conduct policy


1. All London Irish ARFC (the club) Members, Coaches, Players, Parents, Volunteers, Match Officials, Associated persons and Visitors are expected to recognise, adhere and respect the Club Code of Conduct (the policy).
2. This Club Code of Conduct is designed to define the standards of behaviour expected to be upheld, on and off the pitch, at London Irish ARFC.
3. The Policy is governed by the LIARFC Executive Board and invigilated by the Club Disciplinary Officer. The content of this policy may be amended by the governing body from time to time, the most recent version will be published on the club website and deemed to be accepted by all Members, to include Parents, Players, Coaches, Volunteers and Spectators without exception.
4. The Policy will ensure that Players will enjoy their sport and fulfil their aspirations in a safe and positive environment, honour the spirit of Rugby Union and actively promote the core values of the Game, namely fair play and good sportsmanship.
5. The Policy will ensure that all Adults, whether Players, Club Volunteers, Parents/Guardians, Visitors or Spectators maintain the standards of conduct which we, the Executive, deem permissible and acceptable, on and off the field.
6. This Policy denounces any acts of cheating, thieving, racism, violence, bullying, intimidation or illegal activities.
7. The Club will acknowledge and adhere at all times to the RFU Rules and Regulations website RFU Governance
8. This policy is committed to developing a culture where it is safe for anyone involved in our Club to raise a concern about any unacceptable practise, behaviour, wrongdoing or misconduct. Any person who raises a concern will be supported and their concern will be handled sensitively. Anyone making a disclosure can be confident that the matter will be handled appropriately and with an appropriate level of confidentiality. Any instances of victimisation, discrimination or negative repercussions experienced as a result of a disclosure will be wholly unacceptable.
9. Any complaint made in breach of this policy or in breach of our code of conduct, will be subject to an internal hearing under the invigilation of our Club Disciplinary Officer.
1. Play because you want to do so, not to please a Coach, Parent/Guardian or anyone else.
2. Remember that skill development, fun and enjoyment are the most important parts of the game of rugby.
3. Be respectful, be focussed and attentive at all training and coaching sessions.
4. Work as hard for your team as you do for yourself – rugby is a team sport.
5. Be a sportsman, play to win but not at all costs; win with dignity and lose with grace.
6. Play to the IRB Laws of the Game and accept, without question, all referees’ decisions.
7. Verbal or physical abuse of team mates, opponents, Coaches, Parents/Guardians or Match officials is unacceptable. This will be considered gross misconduct.
8. Treat all players as you would like to be treated yourself. Do not abuse, bully or take advantage of anyone especially a fellow Player.
9. Recognise and appreciate the efforts of Coaches, Parents/Guardians, Match officials, Volunteers and the Club Executive for providing you with the opportunity to play and enjoy your rugby.
10. Play with discipline and control your emotions – do not lose your temper. Acts of physical abuse or violence, by any player representing the Club, against any other player will be viewed in a very serious light by Clubs Disciplinary Committee and may also, depending on the circumstances, result in civil, or criminal, liability for the offending player. LIARFC cannot, and will not, condone acts of violence under any circumstances.
11. Do not introduce any personal issues into the dressing room, onto the field of play or into the team as a whole. Remain respectful at all times.
12. As a Player, respect your Captain.
13. Understand that if any individual or Player is not being treated acceptably, then you have a right to tell, in complete confidence, any Member of the Executive or our Club Disciplinary Officer.

1. Ensure all Players are coached in a safe environment, with adequate first aid, never exposed to an unacceptable risk of injury, nor allowed to train or play when injured nor to face extremes of heat or cold.
2. Recognise the importance of enjoyment. Avoid overplaying or favouring any player subjectively; in the mini/youth sections use a squad system to give every player satisfactory playing time commensurate with their playing ability.
3. Be a positive role model, encourage Players to behave in all circumstances with dignity and in accordance with the laws and to keep winning and losing in perspective.
4. Respect referees and their decisions; ensure your players recognise that they must do the same.
5. Provide positive verbal feedback in a constructive and encouraging manner to players in both coaching sessions and games.
6. Recognise that it is illegal for players under 18 to drink alcohol or for those under 16 to smoke. By your conduct and example, actively discourage both.
7. Conduct yourself with self-control and decorum in social circumstances where Players are in attendance.
8. Be respectful to others with whom you Coach, appreciate their time and effort as a volunteer and refrain from personal sentiment, comment, action, disrespectful or subjective behaviour at all times.
9. Be aware of, and abide by, the policies and procedures which the RFU require for Child Protection, the Safety of Young People in Rugby and for Players/Parents/Groups who tour.
10. Ensure that your knowledge and your coaching accreditations as prescribed by the Club are up to date and relevant to the age grade you are Coaching at and in line with RFU philosophy.
11. Be ambassadors for the London Irish ARFC club.

1. Recognise that the safety of players is paramount.
2. Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials.
3. Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
4. Never force your child to take part in sport. Be realistic about your child’s abilities; do not push them beyond the level they can achieve.
5. Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding good performances of all.
6. Never punish or belittle a Player for losing or making mistakes.
7. Publicly accept officials' judgements.
8. Use inoffensive, civil and appropriate language at all times, on and off the side-line.
9. Remember that our younger club players play rugby for their own enjoyment not that of their parents.
10. Stay positive: negative messages adversely affect the performance and attitude of players, officials and coaches.
11. Support the Clubs efforts to rid the game of unacceptable, abusive and violent behaviour.
12. Be respectful and responsive to the Volunteers, Coaches and Team Management who administer and organise training, game day and supporting and social events.
13. Share concerns, if you have them, by following due process and advising the same to the Club Disciplinary Officer.
14. Be mindful of your behaviour, home and away, and especially on tour.
15. Be ambassadors for the London Irish ARFC club.

1. Never enter a field of play, at any time, before or during a game.
2. Never attempt to incite or encourage a lack of discipline or misconduct, before, during or after a game.
3. Remember Players who play rugby do so for their enjoyment not yours.
4. Acknowledge good individual and team performance from players of all teams.
5. Respect match officials’ decisions. Remember Match Officials are usually volunteers who provide the opportunity for our Players to play a game of rugby.
6. Acknowledge effort and performance rather than the win at all cost’s ethic; never ridicule any player on any team. Verbally encourage all players, irrespective of ability, in a positive manner.
7. Never verbally or physically abuse a Player, Match officials, Coach, another Parent/Guardian, Spectator or Visitor. This is gross misconduct.
8. Be familiar with, and abide by, the RFU Child Protection and Safety of Young Players guidance in relation to any abuse.

1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person with whom they work and treat them equally in the rugby context.
2. Place their physical and emotional well-being above all other considerations, including the development of performance.
3. Ensure the relationship that a rugby coach develops with them is based on mutual trust and respect.
4. Ensure that all activities are appropriate to the age, maturity, experience and ability of Players.
5. Encourage them to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
6. Clarify with the young players (and their parents/guardians) what is expected of them both on and off the rugby field and also what they are entitled to expect from the coach.
7. Work in partnership with others within the game (officials, doctors, physiotherapists, sports scientists) to ensure the well-being, safety and enjoyment of all young players.
8. Violations of the Laws of the Game, behaviour contrary to the spirit of the Laws of the Game or relevant regulations and the use of prohibited techniques or substances will never be condoned.

1. In the event that you wish to raise a concern relating to a breach in the code of conduct, or you are the subject of a complaint, the Disciplinary Officer will become involved.
2. The person wishing to make a complaint should do so by completing an Incident Report Form which you will find on the club website @ LIARFC Policies
3. This form should be emailed directly to the club Disciplinary Officer via their contact page on the Club website @ LIARFC Contacts
4. The London Irish ARFC Club Disciplinary Officer and process will review the complaint.