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14. Website and Electronic Communications Policy

This Policy applies to the Youth and Minis Sections of the Club

Club Website

The Club Website, www.liarfc.co.uk, is designed to provide information to members and also to provide information about the club to other interested parties. All postings on the site are as a result in the public domain and this requires care in what is posted.

The website is maintained by the Webmaster and Team and all contributors send their proposed postings via them and using the submission form at www.bit.ly/li-submit. The webmaster may edit postings to ensure they comply with this policy.

Age Groups are responsible for keeping their age group pages up to date via the webmaster. Current contacts for Lead Coaches, Coordinators and the Safeguarding Team should be included.

Images on the website must not be accompanied by the names children. Where an image concentrates particularly on one or two players the consent of the subjects and their parents should be approached for consent.

In reports children should be referred to by their first name only. If more than one child shares a first name the initial letter of the surname may be used to distinguish them.

The webmaster is responsible for monitoring message boards and removing inappropriate posts. This may result in disciplinary action against the person posting.

Facebook Groups

Any Facebook Groups set up by Age Groups should either be open so they can be monitored by the Club and by the CB Safeguarding Manager or if closed the Club Safeguarding Officer and the CB Safeguarding Manager should be invited to be part of the group.

The same restrictions on the use of images and names apply as on the Club Website.

Care should be taken that there are no posts that bring the Club or the Game into disrepute, that are offensive to other members or that could reasonably be regarded as cyber-bullying.

No player under thirteen should be encouraged to have a Facebook account.

Personal use of Social Media

The Club cannot directly control the use of Social Media by members but care should be taken that there are no posts that bring the Club or the Game into disrepute, that are offensive to other members or that could reasonably be regarded as cyber-bullying.

Inappropriate use of Social Media in connection with club members or activities comes within the scope of the Club Disciplinary Policy.

Coaches and Officers should not accept players under 16 as ‘friends’ or the equivalent.


A number of Age Groups using Teamer.net to manage their teams. This website allows members to contol their own profiles including access to contact details.

Organisers are responsible for monitoring the message board and documents area and posting.

Email and Text Messages
Email and SMS communication by Club and Age Group Officers should only be sent when necessary and relevant. Email addresses obtained through the Club should not be used for purposes that do not relate to the Club.

Material should not be sent that could reasonably be regarded as defamatory, offensive or Cyber-bullying. This may result in disciplinary action.

Emails should be courteous. Email is not a good medium for the discussion of controversial issues which should normally be discussed by phone or face to face.

Coaches and Officers should not communicate by email or SMS (or social media) with those under 16 without copying in the child’s parent.

Parents should have the opportunity to indicate that they do not wish their email address to be shared with other parents and if they do their email address should be placed in the BCC section for group e-mails.