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11. Safe Recruitment of Volunteers Policy

For the purpose of this policy a volunteer is any adult or young person who volunteers to serve the club on the Mini & Youth Committee or in an Age Group and includes all officers, coaches, coordinators, first aiders, safeguarding assistants and those who help on a regular basis in Age groups with other tasks such as organising social events, managing fixtures, fundraising or parent liaison.Volunteers seeking to take part in regulated activities with children are required to obtain and then maintain a current (less than three years old) an enhanced DBS through the RFU.

Appointments will not be confirmed until this is in place and volunteers must only work with children in the interim under direct supervision. The request for a DBS should be completed by the club and the volunteer within a maximum of four weeks of applying to the club for appointment as a volunteer. If the DBS disclosure tick has not appeared within twelve weeks of application to the club as a volunteer the situation will be reviewed by the Club Safeguarding Officer and the volunteer may be restricted from working with children until the disclosure arrives. If the disclosure reveals any information that is of concern this will be assessed by the RFU who also handle any appeal and any recruitment decision they make is binding on the Club.

While the recruitment of volunteers is often initiated within Age Groups recruitment decisions about first appointment as a volunteer and the approval of appointments to specific posts is a Club function exercised by the Mini & Youth Committee or officers to whom that committee may delegate its powers. Existing volunteers taking on a new post need approval, but do not need to complete the full recruitment process. If a volunteer switches from an unregulated to a regulated role an Enhanced DBS will be required before the new appointment is confirmed. Potential volunteers can apply directly to the Club without going through an Age Group.

All new volunteers must:

  • Complete a LIARFC Mini & Youth Volunteer Application Form and send this to the Club Safeguarding Officer
  • If applying to take part in an activity that is regulated for DBS purposes to obtain an RFU Enhanced DBS and undertake to maintain it. This process includes an ID check conducted by the Club Safeguarding Officer.
  • If applying to take part only in unregulated activity be prepared to complete a similar ID check with the Club Safeguarding Officer.
  • If having been a member of London Irish ARFC for less than a year should provide the names and addresses of two people (other than family or close friends) who can provide an independent reference on their suitability to work with children. These will be followed up by either the Club Safeguarding Officer or the officer responsible for making the recruiting decision.
  • If having been a member of London Irish ARFC for a year or more an applicant should either provide references (as above) or receive the recommendation of two from an Age Group Lead Coach, an Age Group Coordinator, or a member of the Mini & Youth Committee.
  • Candidates will normally be asked to have an informal meeting with the Club Safeguarding Officer and the officer responsible for the recruiting decision.
  • Members of the Mini & Youth Committee are either elected at the London Irish ARFC AGM or appointed by co-option until the next AGM. If a volunteer elected to this committee has not previously been a volunteer the recruitment procedure for new volunteers must be followed before the election or co-option is confirmed.

The appointment of Lead Coaches and Coordinators is confirmed at the first meeting of the Mini & Youth Committee meeting after the AGM. For reference purposes only the Chairman of Mini & Youth acts as the officer responsible for the recruiting decision.

The appointment of coaches must be approved by one of the Chairman of Mini & Youth, the Vice Chairman (Rugby) or Directors of Mini or Youth and the Club Coaching Coordinator who may delegate this to one of the Assistant Coaching Coordinator any of whom may act as the recruitment decision maker for a new volunteer.

The appointment of all other volunteers must be approved by one of the Chairman of Mini & Youth, the Vice Chairman (Support) or Directors of Mini or Youth who may act as the recruitment decision maker for a new volunteer.

Appeals and Complaints

Appeals against Safeguarding decisions will be referred to the RFU Safeguarding Manager who will follow RFU procedures which are available on the RFU website (www.rfu.com).

Complaints and other appeals should be referred to the Mini & Youth Chairmen who will set up a panel of three members of the Mini & Youth Committee not involved in the initial recruitment decision who will meet to consider the complaint or appeal. They may seek evidence from the candidate, those involved in the recruitment decision and other witnesses. They will take a decision as to whether a complaint is upheld and if necessary may initiate informal or formal disciplinary procedures in accordance with the Discipline Policy. In responding to an appeal they may uphold or reverse the recruiting decision or efer it back for further consideration.

If a complaint or an appeal on a non-safeguarding issue is rejected the candidate may further ask for the matter to be referred to the Secretary of London Irish ARFC who will deal with it in accordance to the Club’s complaints procedures.