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13. Tour Policy

It is the policy of London Irish ARFC to actively promote and encourage individual groups within the club to organise Rugby Tours both in the United Kingdom and abroad. The Club considers this to be an ideal way to promote bonding and friendship within groups and assist in the personal, coaching and playing development of club members while helping to foster the understanding of different attitudes and cultures.

All tours must be organised and self-funded by the group or groups involved. All members of the touring party must be “bonafide” club members.

All tours will be conducted in a safe and well-organised manner within the ethos and spirit of the game.

Questions about this Policy should be addressed to our Safeguarding Officer.

Whenever a tour is proposed, the organisers must prepare a brief written summary of the proposed timing, composition, cost and itinerary and submit it to the Hon. Secretary for approval by the Club Management Committee. The organisers must confirm in writing that they have read and will comply with the RFU published guidelines on tours which are available on the R.F.U. website or from the Club Secretary.

Organisers are required to indemnify in writing the Club against all and any fines, damages, compensation or other monetary loss arising in any way from the proposed tour or the actions of the tour organisers and members in connection with the tour.

Attention of all organisers is drawn to the requirement for ALL tours to be signed off on the appropriate RFU form by the Management Committee and the RFU Constituent Body.

It is Club Policy that copies and details of tour organisation and accounts should be available for inspection by the Club Management Committee as requested.

Tour bank accounts should be in the form ‘London Irish ARFC (Group- e.g ‘Under 14s’) (destination of tour-e.g. ‘Mongolia’) Account’ and must require payments to be authorised by at least two non-related signatories. On completion of the tour, final accounts, bank statements etc. must be supplied to the Club Hon. Treasurer if requested.

Organisers are reminded that any misconduct whilst on an official tour may lead the RFU to apply serious sanctions to the Club as a whole including withdrawing permission for future tours, fines or playing sanctions against the Club 1st XV; as a result, any such misconduct will be viewed extremely seriously and will be dealt with under the Club Disciplinary Procedure.