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Festival Information for Visiting Teams
London Irish Amateur International Mini & Under 12 Rugby Festival Weekend 3 of 10

3. Festival Information for Visiting Teams

International Mini & U12 Important Information Video for coaches, managers, parents and carers - Please watch Click Here


Information for visitors to Hazelwood the home of London Irish Amateur, including accommodation.

Why not join us on the Saturday afternoon prior to the festival for our traditional barbeque (Click here)

No Dogs

No dogs will be permitted entry to the ground. This is a condition of our license to use the facilities at Hazelwood Sunbury. Anyone attempting to bring a dog into the Festival will be refused entry. The only exceptions to this rule are registered assistance dogs. Please let us know in advance of your assistance dog ( minifestival@liarfc.co.uk ).

Why did the U12 Festival get moved to Saturday?

Our U12 age group is the premier tournament. With all home nations and European teams represented we see more demand then we can currently cater for.

Running the U12 tournament on Saturday, gives us access to 5 pitches compared to the current 3. It would allow us to open the competition to more teams. Plus being on a Saturday the opportunities to enjoy the post tournament entertainment and barbeque are greater with no work on Sunday.

We see this as an awesome opportunity for under 12s to have a stage to themselves.

RFU Touring Resources - Hosting a Touring Team

The following forms and resources are available to download for anyone considering hosting or going on tour. It is important to print off and fill in the relevant forms and return them to the RFU as soon as possible in order to give your tour official sign off. Please note each form has details of where it should be returned to (Click Here).

RFU Rules of Play

Regulation 15 applies to the playing, training and coaching of all variations of rugby for all age groups up until and including Under 18s, including Under 19s playing down into Under 18s rugby (‘Age Grade Rugby’). This Regulation 15 applies to both genders unless indicated otherwise.

Regulation 15 Appendix 1 - U7 rules of play

Regulation 15 Appendix 2 - U8 rules of play

Regulation 15 Appendix 3 - U9 rules of play

Regulation 15 Appendix 4 - U10 rules of play

Regulation 15 Appendix 5 - U11 rules of play

Regulation 15 Appendix 6 - U12 rules of play

Protective Equipment

Mouthguards are to be worn by all age groups playing contact rugby. Please refer to the enclosed England Rugby Guide for Protective Equipment

RFU - Rugby Safe Essential Guide - Protective Equipment

What are typical squad sizes?

Usually we work off the following children per team (as a guide):

Under 7 - 6 Children
Under 8 - 8 Children
Under 9 - 11 Children
Under 10 - 12 Children
Under 11 - 13 Children

Festival Pricing - 2024 (Per entered team)

Our festival is run by volunteers, however due to its size we have considerable overhead. We benchmark our pricing to ensure we are competitive with similar scale tournaments.

Prices are for guidance only. Tournament pricing will be quoted in invoice.

Under 7 - £70.00
Under 8 - £145.00
Under 9 - £155.00
Under 10 - £170.00
Under 11 - £190.00
Under 12 - £210.00

Please note: Your entry is only guaranteed with full payment and LIARFC confirmation.

Car Parking

Car Parking Fee £5 (plus £1.24 booking fee).

There will be no parking at Kempton Park as in previous years.

On Saturday 27 April, there is limited car parking on site - Hazelwood (210 spaces), for which we are operating a pre-payment system via the following link:

Saturday Parking - Hazelwood

On Sunday 28 April, we have the following parking available for our visitors:

At the club (Hazelwood) - 200 spaces

At St. Paul's Catholic College (The Ridings entrance - TW16 6NX) - 200 spaces

At St. Paul's Catholic College (Manor Lane entrance - TW16 6JE) - 80 spaces

We are operating a pre-payment system for these spaces via the following links:

Sunday Parking - Hazelwood

Sunday Parking - St. Paul's (Manor Lane)

Sunday Parking - St. Paul's (The Ridings)

The cost is £5.75 per car (£5 plus £1.24 booking fee). Only those who have pre-booked will be allowed to park at these sites. Please encourage your teams to car share where possible.

For those who have pre-booked, please print out the confirmation email or have this ready on your phone to show to our volunteers when arriving.

The two parking sites at St. Paul's Catholic College are approximately a 10-15 minute walk away from the club, so please factor this in to your arrival times.

We have built up good relationships with our neighbours over the years and do not wish to jeapordise that. Can we please ask all to teams to ensure that anyone not using the official parking options avoids parking in the roads immediately surrounding the club - Croysdale Avenue, Hawkewood Road and Vereker Drive. Parking is prohibited on the green between Hawkewood Road and Vereker Drive.

The police are likely to remove any cars that cause an obstruction for emergency vehicles or are blocking residents’ driveways.

Coach Parking

If arriving by coach please use the designated coach park in the grounds of Hazelwood. Please follow the instructions of the marshal's and only park in the designated area.

First Match

Saturday (U12) play will commence at 12:30am PROMPT

Sunday play will commence at 9:30am PROMPT. The games will be played in accordance with the RFU Rules, TREDS and the Spirit of the Game. Please ensure players AND spectators are familiar with these. Pitch Marshals will be allocated to each pitch to ensure smooth transitions between games.


Saturday - 11:45am (See below for more information) - Registration Form (Click here)

Registration forms (player and Referee) to be submitted electronically the day before. Registration can be completed at the individual Age Group Control Tents by 8.45am (with your completed player and Referee Registration Forms) . Please make sure we have a mobile number for each team.

Registration Form (Click here)

First Aid Briefing

First Aider’s briefing at 12:15 on the Saturday (U12) and 9:15am on the Sunday (U7-U11. Please ensure your first aid bag is stocked with plenty of ice packs and plasters. Please find enclosed our medical briefing for First Aiders (Click here).

Referees’ Briefing

There will be a referees’ briefing at approximately 9.00am (Saturday (U12) 12:00am at each Age Group Control Tent. All teams must supply referees familiar and competent with the rules of the applicable age group. We request that referees give a mobile contact number for use on the day.

Prize Giving

Medals will be given to finalists. Prizes will be presented at individual Age Group Control Tents.


A variety of retail outlets selling hot and cold food and drinks are located around the site. Full details will be available on our website shortly.

Litter and Rubbish

There are plenty of wheelie bins and designated recycling bins located around the grounds. We would appreciate all visitors using them to deposit their rubbish. In addition we will provide each team with refuse sacks. Please bag up all your rubbish and leave it at either a wheelie bin or one of the Age Group Control Tents and we will collect it at the end of the day.

BBQs and Fires

Due to the obvious danger and fire risk posed, no BBQs or open fires are permitted.

Photography and Publicity

Please note that by entering the event you are acknowledging your image may be recorded and published.


All teams are required to provide first aid cover. Ambulances, Physios and a mobile medical unit are on hand to provide additional medical assistance. Should a player be injured on the field of play then the co-ordinator for that particular pitch will be on hand to ensure first aid treatment is made available. Additional help can be summoned from the nearest Age Group Control Tent.

Please ensure your First Aid appointed person attends the pre tournament briefing.


We must all remember that today is a children’s rugby tournament – run purely for the fun and enjoyment of the children participating. The RFU core values of Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship capture the essence of what rugby is all about and are why so many of us have encouraged our children to take part in game, which is simply the ultimate team sport. All of us involved in rugby at junior level have a great responsibility to instil these core values and to present the game for what it is today, please adhere to these core values – children learn from example and it is essential that we all set a good example at all times.

Good Spectators’ Guide

In the heat of the moment it is easy to get carried away with your emotions, which can lead to an unnecessary outburst; please remember that this has an impact on everyone around you.

Always act as a positive role model to all players Remember children play sport primarily for their own enjoyment not for that of spectators Acknowledge good individual and team performance from all players irrespective of the team in which they play Respect match officials’ decisions, even if they appear to make a mistake –remember they are volunteers providing an opportunity for players to play rugby Never verbally abuse players, coaches, match officials or fellow spectators; such behaviour can create a negative environment for players and their behaviour reflects this Acknowledge effort and good performance rather than to win at all costs Verbally encourage all players in a positive manner and never shout at the players Encourage all players irrespective of the ability and regardless of the tea, in which they play

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