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Overseas Membership

4. Overseas Membership

You can support and maintain an involvement in London Irish Amateur Rugby Football Club no matter where you are in the world.

Our Overseas category is a discounted subscription rate for members who now are in residence outside England.

Our Chairman's Welcome - Click Here

The benefits are similar to general membership and include:

Membership of London Irish Amateur allows us to facilitate playing excellence and a social calendar at all levels of the club. For your support we will be extremely grateful.

Click here to purchase your overseas membership today!

Please note:

'Overseas' is defined as residence outside England. You must be or expect to be resident overseas at the commencement of your period of membership.

You must give details of your normal place of residence, which must be overseas.

If you move back to the UK, you may remain an overseas member for the remainder of that calendar year, but must then renew as a full member for the following year if you wish to continue your membership.

You must undertake to keep your registered email address up to date.

If you are a full member and are transfered overseas, no rebate is available on your current year's membership. However, you may transfer to overseas membership at the start of the new subscription year, provided that you continue to reside overseas.

*Only London Irish Amateur Club Members may apply for Match Tickets.
No member has an automatic right to tickets. No application is guaranteed.